Things are picking up! We are in the middle of filming/editing our promotional video and proposal video for KickStarter!!

For those who are not familiar with what SoapSkeptics is trying to do, Rosie McNeill and Andrea Garcia are planning a road trip from August 8- Sept 15 to travel from NJ, down to FL, then New Orleans, Texas, New Mexico, California, Portland, and Seattle. Along the way we will be filming, blogging, and making weavings to represent different aspects of our adventure. Our documentary will focus on communities and artists who practice and appreciate all art forms: music, food, painting, pottery, craft, writing, etc. Our weavings will be made out of natural materials found in each city/state we travel through; so by the end of the trip we will have a number of weavings that will each represent a specific location and will be made out of material found in that location.
The purpose of the adventure is to connect with other artists, other forms of art,
and art communities throughout America and discover the
meaning of art in the daily lives of these people.
We want to learn from others, teach others, and gain some insight on how community, culture, and art coexist in North America.
This cross country road trip is just the beginning. If all goes well, SoapSkeptics will go abroad next year to Lijiang, China and create another documentary/body of weavings with a similar concept but a completely new culture to us. Eventually, we would love for SoapSkeptics to become a learning center and studio space for artists to create, share knowledge, and inspire each other on a regular basis.
For this American Road Trip we are trying to raise $5,000 to cover the cost of travel, food, camera equipment, hard drive storage, weaving materials, and post production materials such as DVD's, cases, prints of photographs, and printing a book of the weavings we create across the country.
We are making moves in the next few days:
- SoapSkeptics will become an official COMPANY!
- SoapSkeptics will also release our KickStart video on this blog and also on youtube!
- SoapSkeptics will be printing out our own business cards!
Please follow our instagram
& bookmark/follow this blog to see our updates,
it's happening fast-
you don't want to miss out!
Much Love and Thanks!
Andrea & Rosie