What's goin' on, folks! Rosie McNeill and Andrea Garcia, here! We are starting this blog as the very beginning stages of what will become an adventure of a life time.
A little about us:

Both artists have reached a fork in the road of life. Where shall we go next?! Should we just be what's expected of us and apply for big girl jobs?! What do we want to be!?
It seems serendipitous that we both moved back to our hometown at the same time after being away for years with nothing but a passion to create and explore the unknown future. We are going to take a risk. We are taking our blank pages and we're going to fill them with experiences and opportunity to grow, educate, and learn.
SoapSkeptics is just beginning and it is so exciting!
Our short term goal is to travel around North America to create a social documentary. This documentary will be about the diversity in culture and art throughout America. We live in a country with so many ideas of living, what is art, what is culture, what are traditions, how do people follow these ideas, and what are their perspectives on other areas as well as their own. We hope to expand the knowledge of how life is lived. We want to spread life experience to those who have never left their hometowns, we want to share the knowledge of those who have traveled the world. We want to show what art is, how it's made, how it is used, or not used in everyday life. We will take a month out of this summer to execute this project, blog about it, and also create cite specific weavings made out of natural recourses we find in the different towns/cities/villages we pass by. In the end, we will have a DVD and a printed book of the weavings we made across America.
After this adventure, we have a long term goal to make SoapSkeptics a center for studio and gallery space, and educational classes on craft and DIY's for people who are interested. Of course, we are understanding that life will throw us curve balls and obstacles to climb... this is why this long term goal is not so much as important as our summer adventure to create a Documentary about Culture and Art. SoapSkeptics also has the opportunity to travel to Lijiang, China to participate in a residency to film a similar documentary comparing and contrasting culture between New York City and Lijiang, China. If all goes well, and we receive the loving support we hope to achieve, we would love to take this opportunity for the Spring of 2015. But, we digress.
This blog will be utilized to spread the word of our adventures, along with the things we make! Please keep an eye out for updates on our KickStarter, news, and creative executions. :)
"To laugh is to risk appearing a fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk rejection.
To place your dreams before the crowd is to risk ridicule.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn, feel, change, grow or love.
Chained by his certitudes, he is a slave. He has forfeited his freedom. Only a person who takes risks is free."
Peace and Love,
Andrea & Rosie.
Follow us on Instagram @soapskeptics
Andrea & Rosie.
Follow us on Instagram @soapskeptics
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